13 Responses to “Minding Mobile Manners at Work”

  1. Brad

    Mobile manners as they were laid out make a difference for certain types of employees in a workplace. These manners as stated with the 50/10 rule for during meetings is not a good rule if you are dealing with employees who are directly involved with sales or brokers on the stock market, as they need to be in constant contact with their contacts through the use of their mobile devices. The major issue that arises with these mobile manners rules in a meeting setting is that there is hardly a time when mobile devices are put away, because the connection that is needed on a constant basis has been implemented to the full extent in recent years.

    The individuals who should put in place the proper “mobile manners” should be directly connected with the company, and these individuals who’s job titles it is to implement these rules must have a proper grasp on the day to day operations within the corporation. A major issue as well depends on what type of business the company is in, and this will have major implications on the rules of “mobile manners”.

  2. Pulkit Arora

    I feel like mobile manners do make a difference for any employee in the workplace. Almost every person has a smartphone these days so instead of just using the phone to make phone calls, people can text, email, play games, check facebook or twitter, and the list goes on and on. So since phones are becoming more and more advanced, certain rules should be implemented in the workforce. One etiquette that Emily Post pointed out was the five to ten minute digital break in every meeting that runs for an hour or more. I think that this rule would help each employee focus more on the meeting rather than worrying about their phone. But if they do worry then they know that a break is coming up for them to check their email or texts or calls. I think that the boss or leader of the meeting should make the rules for that particular meeting. Maybe some bosses or leaders do not mind if people are on their smartphones so this issue would not matter. But for some bosses or leaders, each and every employee should have their full attention towards the meeting. But these bosses or leaders should consider taking breaks or other alternatives to solve the problem of mobile manners.

  3. Rick Sharma

    The global social connection could come as a distraction for many mobile users, but, as claimed some people feel ‘connected’ with the help of mobile devices. In my opinion, to determine the extent to which mobile devices are helpful to individuals, we would need to consider their field of work. A stock broker is much more likely to have a need to stay connected with the external world as compared to a fast food chain employee. However, there is also a psychological aspect of social media which determines if it is helpful for individuals to use mobile devices at work or if it deters their skills. As for setting the right mobile manners, it should be left at the discretion of someone who has more authority at the workplace. The extent of mobile usage should be set at the discretion of that significant somebody, after observing the ethical aspect of the work ethics of employees.

  4. Wale Obateru

    The rate at which mobile devices are causing distractions at the workplace has resulted in the need for companies to have adequate and appropriate measures in place to help contol the use of mobile devices. A company’s top executives or founders are the ones responsible for setting mobile manners at the work place. Rules and guidelines pertaining to the use of mobile devices in the work place should be included in the company’s policies so that every employee has an understanding of what is expected of them regarding the use of their mobile devices when they are at the workplace. Organiztions should also be flexible when setting these rules; they should allow certain times when employees are allowed to check their devices such as during lunch or coffee breaks, or at intervals during meetings so as to enable them respond to their e-mails and text messages. This way, they won’t be easily distracted during the meeting or work sessions. Also, top executives and management should lead by examples by regulating their use of mobile devices at the work place as well. This will help other employees follow in the footsteps of top executives and also regulate their own use of mobile devices. Exceptions for mobile device usage should also be set such as instances of an emergency at the employee’s home so as to enable them respond quickly to such cases.

  5. Nathan Jensen

    I feel that mobile manners defiantly matters. With the abundance use of smartphones and technology now adays I feel it is taking away from our productivity elsewhere. People often get so entrenched in their phone they block out the outside world. With so many meetings and interaction in our workplace today I think that using smartphones can be distracting to others. People may text and walk into people and /or things, we’ve all seen it done. Individuals may also stop certain conversations with someone to reply to a text or e-mail. I think there is a time and place for smartphones. It was said in the video that some places feel productivity will actually increase with having smartphones in the workplace. This might be true in a small percentage of cases but overall they are a distraction. There is nothing worse than people getting a text message or phone call in the middle of an important meeting. I think it is up to the boss to set out a guideline of what is acceptable for cell phone usage in the workplace. I think the 50-10 rule in the video is a good example.

  6. Andi Watts

    I believe that mobile manners definitely have an effect on the employees which are subjected to it, particularly in a restrictive sense. It really goes beyond words when guidelines are needed to be had in order to keep employees off of their mobile devices and focused on their actual work. I would argue that enforcing ‘mobile manners guidelines’ is essentially babysitting in that the employees can’t be trusted with their own discretion on using their mobile phones when they should be focused elsewhere. The main difference that the employee is facing is simply being given the rules of using their phone at work, especially the ‘how’ and ‘when’. The people that should be in charge of setting these guidelines should be the immediate supervisor or the person/people that are hosting the meeting/event because they know the degree of respect that they expect from the employees. Overall, I realize we’re in a ‘digital-era’ but that’s no excuse to toss courtesy and common sense out the window; employees should know when to use their mobile device and more importantly, when not to. Mobile manners should be a subconscious effort to be polite and focused and not some guideline enforced by the ‘higher-ups;.

  7. brett pudwell

    I am a student in university and I am starting to notice more and more that mobile devices are becoming almost a problem in everyday life. Even in social settings, people are constantly on their cell phones and it is getting to be a massive distraction. I understand to a point that the business settings are different in that sometimes are staying connected to your mobile device is imperative. That is where the digital time out comes in to play where every hour or so, there is a ten minute break for people to use their phones or check their email or whatever. It is unrealistic to believe that people can just put their phones away as that is not how the world works but I think everyone needs to tone down their digital useage. Ever since the smart phone became cheap and readily available, the majority of the population is always connected to the internet. Social networking affecting business relationships is becoming a big problem too. I am in University and have a few years left but I already need to consider what is getting posted on my facebook in an attempt to limit future damage for job prospects. Some of the emphasis of technology needs to be reduced so we can regress somewhat to the ways we used to live our lives.

  8. Moire Hogg

    Having appropriate mobile manners at work does make a difference for the employee. Not all work environments are the same but assuming this is an office environment where your associates/manager is in close proximity, how one conducts themselves is important. For example, having a loud obnoxious ring tone that everyone can hear is distracting for others; use vibration, turn your phone off or forward the cell to your office land line. In meetings, whether one-on-one with a client or in a group setting, phones must be off unless otherwise directed by management. Customers and associates will value having your full attention during a discussion. Respond in kind is another consideration many people do not likely think about. When you are contacted by a particular means be it text message, e-mail, voice mail or written on a virtual wall somewhere, it is appropriate to respond using the same method. With this in mind, responding by phone or in person is ALWAYS better. There is no better substitute for verbal or personal interaction.

    Since every company has a different working environment and clientele, the guidance for mobile manners comes from the management of the company. It is important that these guidelines be clearly explained to all staff.

  9. Brett z

    Personally, my workplace in the summer is perhaps for the pay, the best workplace I have worked in my entire life, which includes benefits, and most of all a stress-free environment. We operate a very relaxed environment, and our boss doesn’t exactly care what we are up to, unless work is placed upon us. As for the employee, I strongly feel that mobile manners do make a difference for each individual. For example, the boss can clearly do what he wants, as he obviously is the boss, however; employees need to be more conscious of the times for when they chose to use mobile devices at work and how.

    The boss/manager should set the policy on mobile devices. For example, at my workplace I am given a BlackBerry to use as communication with other co workers, which is considered acceptable. I do at the same time have my personal blackberry on me for personal communications as well.

  10. Mark

    Mobile manners seem like they should be common sense, but the reality is common sense is not so common. For instance, I’m considered a mature student (age: 31), what I believe to be common sense is differnt than what common sense is to a 20 year old. When I first went back to college my mind wss blown about how many kids are sittin in class or in the computer commons on facebook.

    Nothing is more irriatating in class when the dude next to me is frustrated about how we come to these answers in an Econ question, for example, and keeps pestering me to explain how we got the result. Meanwhile the professor has gone through two questions while I am distracted – paying the price for some other person to be on facebook! What I believe is common sense (stay off your damn device in class!) is not so common for the the recnet highschool grad who was basically born in front of a laptop,and receiving a cell phone at age 8.

  11. Mallory Jetter

    I think having the right mobile manners established in the company is an important aspect. Not all jobs are the same so mobile manners should differ depending on what type of company it is that you are working for. Which is why 85% of HR workers said that yes there should be guidelines to know when is the appropriate time to use your phone. Like during a meeting just because your boss has his/her phone out doesn’t mean that you should too because they are the boss. However they should implement the 50/10 rule which is for every 50 minutes everyone should take a 10 minute break so that they know they have an upcoming release so that it will allow them to focus more while in a meeting. Therefore increasing the productivity of the outcome of the meeting because you know that at the end of 50 minutes you will get rewared with a break to do whatever for 10 minutes.
    Even though technology is becoming a more important aspect of our everyday life, it shouldn’t become our only way of communication. Human beings need to have that face-to-face or on the phone communictaion to have that personal experience. So if someone phones you don’t just text them back but phone them back.

  12. Kelsey K

    I think when cell phone and mobiles were introduced into our society; no one knew the huge impact they’d have on our everyday lives. It seems like people literally cannot put down their phones! It seems like it a necessity; they must come with us every single place we go! And it seems like we’re almost lost without service or without a phone for a few days! I do agree that if used properly, cell phones can be beneficial at the workplace if used in the right way. It can also be said though, that cell phones also create huge distractions and negative productivity in the workplace. It all depends on what is being done on the phone at the time of use. It’s crazy to think that cell phones are literally our new best friends. All I know for sure is that some people defiantly need a “cell phone manner” class! 😉

  13. Yanmei Sun

    There is a “disease” I heard about named “E-mail syndrome”, which is caused by mobile manners, extends in the United States,or even all over the world. What is “E-mail syndrome” and what happened? The answer is that E-mail syndrome is because of anxiety, fear and other reasons, people constantly check their E-mails or frequently query for new messages from their smartphones when it is not necessary. “Email syndrome” greatly interferes with people’s normal work and life. However, as the way that people connect to each other has already changed, it will make people feel like settling down and more confident during working. The companies are not hospitals, they can not cure the disease,but they could find a way to help employees lower the anxiety and fear. So I feel that having appropriate mobile manners at work does make a difference for the employees.

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