Posted by & filed under data mining, disruptive technology, education, fraud, hackers, Internet, Privacy, Security, smartphones.

Description: Everyone is at risk of a personal security breach, even Wired‘s Mat Honan. These 10 simple tips can help you improve your privacy online.


Date: August 23rd, 2012

Over the weekend, I wound up atWashington, D.C.’s Trapeze School with a group of friends. Before one of them headed up a ladder to attempt a somersault landing from the trapeze bar, she handed me her phone and asked me to take photos. “What’s the password?” I asked. “I don’t use one,” she replied. My jaw dropped as it often does when someone I know tells me they’re choosing not to take one of the very simplest steps for privacy protection, allowing anyone to snoop through their phone with the greatest of ease, to see whichever messages, photos, and sensitive apps they please.

So this post is for you, guy with no iPad password, and for you, girl who stays signed into Gmail on her boyfriend’s computer, and for you, person walking down the street having a loud conversation on your mobile phone about your recent doctor’s diagnosis of that rash thing you have. These are the really, really simple things you should be doing to keep casual intruders from invading your privacy. Read Rest of Story

Questions for discussion:

1. Why shouldn’t you give out your email address, phone number, or zip code when asked?

2. Why turn on 2-step authentication with Gmail?

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