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Description: Some call it a universal form of English. Others argue it’s most definitely ruining the language and producing a generation of illiterates.


Date: April 9, 2012

But researchers at three Canadian universities studying text messaging think we may have become more creative because of this new form of communication.

The academics from Simon Fraser University, Université de Montréal and University of Ottawa have been looking at how texting is affecting the way Canadians write.

Christian Guilbault, an associate professor in SFU’s French department, said the project, called Text4Science, is part of a larger, ongoing international study called sms4Science, that began in Belgium a few years ago.

“There’s a lot of misconceptions going around regarding the way people use language when they text,” said Mr. Guilbault. Read Rest of Story

Questions for discussion:

  1. Is Texting most definitely ruining the language and producing a generation of illiterates?  Why?

33 Responses to “Is texting making us more creative? Canadian researchers think so”

  1. Laura

    The article “Is texting making us more creative? Canadian researchers think so” is one to think about, due to the fact that technology is so involved in our everyday lives. As for the question “Is Texting most definitely ruining the language and producing a generation of illiterates?” I most definitely do not believe it is. You can be perfectly literate and still text in short speak, such as “k” and “lol” but it has no representation of your actual literacy level. A valid example is when people used to send telegraphs to one another. They didn’t use full sentences or speak properly, but they were never accused of “ruining the language and producing a generation of illiterates.” The Globe and Mail article is a refreshing take on what the text message language has become. Since there are so many variants of simple words, such as “ok”, maybe the texting generation is creating a language in itself. It is incredibly interesting to look at it this way, instead of assuming that it is the degradation of our language. I think that the text messaging language is going to evolve even more so, and who knows what direction it is going to head.

  2. Carlos Villacres

    Is texting making us more creative? Canadian researchers think so:
    The situation that focus this articles is really true, in order to be more faster when we need to send a text SMS we use a lot of abbreviations that can destroy the grammar of the sentences but with the same sense and idea for transmit to the receptor, the text SMS is a important tool of the cell phones, since their creation is one of the most successful tools in the mobile devices for the customers, doesn’t matter the language, could be Spanish, English or French, every language have their own abbreviations, and depending each zone or country can be different the abbreviations and meanings. The Canadian universities arrive to this decision because now exist more applications for text between Smartphone’s such as blackberry messenger, whatsapp or others and the classic SMS, so the customers always try to create new abbreviations, developing their sense of creativity. In my own experience my first language is Spanish and we have a lot of abbreviations, sometimes a don’t know some because are new ones and also we use some in English such as LOL (laugh out loud), or ASAP (as soon as possible).

  3. XiaoYu Li

    although learn english is not so tough compare with other languages, but people still very easily to messed it up, especially make mistakes about spell problems. but texting from PC or cell phone can reduce this kind of mistakes because users can simplify or even create new words. like LOL means “laugh out loud”, this can protect people from spell mistakes and reduce the time check the grammer and words. when we texting these new words, we actually already think about what is exactly these words mean and this transfer process from new words to original words make people more likely consider the words mean and let our brain activity and more creative. so, although we do not need to write the words on the paper anymore, but we still think about it and try to figure out what these words mean. by the time, we use the original words create new words for communication, this function make us more understand our words and arouse our interseting create more words.

  4. Fehren Tuttle

    The article “Is texting making us more creative? Canadian researchers think so”, I think is quite interesting because a part of me believes that isn’t there something better to do research on…for example, Cancer? But in a way I do believe texting has started creating illiterates just for the fact that if you only use it in texts and can refrain from saying it out loud or trying to write these “texts” then you are doing good. However, now that parents are buying cell phones for children at earlier ages we are teaching them that this kind of language is okay. This is because they are now going to be so used to using this new language that they will forget what real English is. Especially, when as we all know in school kids don’t always pay attention. Also, it is much easier to learn the proper language when you’re a child versus when you’re an adult so many children could be at a disadvantage especially when writing emails and memos in a future job. Just even proof reading friends resumes and even when potential candidates apply for a job that is the first thing we look for is how well can they spell and their grammar usage. I do believe that texting is creating lazy writers and I can even say that it has made me slightly lazy and I always have to catch myself when I am writing professional emails.

  5. Ben

    Is texting making us more creative? Canadian researchers think so
    If being creative is finding many ways to write or express the same word then I was guess that yes texting is helping us become more creative but as for me I only need one way to spell ok. If finding new ways to spell words is going to someday create the world’s greatest device or cure some disease then I think studies like this are worthwhile if not why do we spend our time, effort and money to find out if texting really helps me to spell words differently does it really matter. Now if texting is creating a generation that does not learn to read proper words or spell them then I would say that we have an issue to look at but I don’t believe that if you right lol a million times you’ll truly begin to believe that is how you spell laughter nor will people think it is a acceptable replacement for laughter when proper English is required. Think about where you learn to read. For most of us it would have been at school or from our parents, at least for me it was. Never at anytime was I taught shortcuts for words.

  6. Deidre Goral

    The article, “Is Texting making us more creative? Canadian Researchers think so examines the theory that texting is opening up the minds of young people and ultimately making them more creative and free thinking. Researchers have examined close to 8,000 texts and found various words and ideas expressed in different spelling and contexts. They suggest there are a lot of misconceptions about how people text and that this form of communication isn’t making a future generation “illiterate”. Texting seems to be the preferred method of communication for many young people and short forming what they write comes with the territory. We seem to be moving away from having real conversations with people and prefer to simply text for ease and convenience. We seem to be getting away from having personal contact with people and would rather translate messages via text, emails, etc. What does this say about society in general and what does this mean for future generations? Personal communication seems to be on its way it out in our digital age and I’m not convinced that this is a good thing. Although texting does have its place in the world, I don’t think we should be using it in our daily lives simply to avoid having more personal communication with others. With the way the world is going, this seems to be the case.

  7. Darren H

    “Is testing making us more creative? Canadian researchers think so”

    I personally believe that texting is creating language and spelling problems. I for one have been known to take the easy road and use the fewest amount of characters to get my point across to the recipient of the text message. I have also found that this method of language has spilled over to my academic writing, such as proof reading through papers I notice I have used ‘r’ instead of ‘are’ or ‘u’ instead of ‘you’. I think you just get in a habit from doing it so often, sometimes one is not even aware they are doing it. There has been countless times in the short answer part of certain exams over my past semester that the prof has made a point to go over proper spelling and had to reiterate that short answers were not text messages.

    This is one reason why I think autocorrect can be useful because it anticipates what the sender is typing and puts it into grammatically correct English. Of course, we have seen the problems and concerns with autocorrect putting in the wrong word from time to time but at least it tries to keep everything grammatically correct.
    I conclude by agreeing that sure there are some creative uses for our language that come from texting and what-not, but how is that helping society? What if you are applying for a job and one’s resume has all those acronyms and abbreviations? Is that what the employer is looking for? Or are they looking for someone who knows how to spell and use English properly?

  8. Jonathan Mpere

    “Is texting making us more creative? Canadian researchers think so”
    The sensitivity of the issue is becoming alarming in most parts of the world but my personal opinion about the topic is that, as afar as technology is advancing in an immeasurable rate so will there be lop hole left behind to be filled and I see this issue “texting” to be part of the lop holes. Although texting is very good I do agree, it also has its negative side effect where it affects our academic writing in so many ways that we don’t realize when writing. I can not say its affects our spelling that much because I believe people know what they are typing or knows what they are spelling but their mind moves faster than the finger so without knowing they will rather type the short form of certain words in their academic writing which other people might think its degrading the English language. Using words like “k” or “c.u” makes no difference from writing the whole full words because at the end of the day it makes sense and transmits the idea of the text. I do agree with the researchers that texting makes us more creative but on the other hand we should remember that it’s deadly to text and drive.

  9. steven osmond

    Is texting most definitely ruining our language? I dint think so. I also don’t think it is making us more creative. This is just one of many issues that show the disparity of thought between the generations. My grandparents believed firmly that children after their generation couldn’t write properly, speak properly, or work hard enough. The problem is that how they saw these issues was defined by the way they were taught to do all of them by an earlier generation and their ability to communicate within their own group. For example my grandparents may not have understood some of the things I said because I used new terminology, slang, or used a newer style thsn them; Consequently the dismissed what they didn’t understand as degenerate and useless. But people of my generation can easily understand this language and use it to communicate between each other successfully. If we look back into history we find thousands of dead acronyms and words. These are the evidence of language evolution. For example old English is a language that few people of today can understand at all, yet from it came the same language we use to speak to each other everyday. Texting is a technology that provided people an opportunity to have more communication and we wanted this. The fact that this communication had restrictions on the number of characters we can use just meant we had to adapt our language to fit within it confines

  10. adrian sackey

    My opinion on the article, “Is texting making us more creative”, is yes; but to a limited degree. It’s true that new abbreviations have been formed because of our extensive use of this feature, however I believe this is can be attributed to our society’s lack of time. Abbreviations like brb, lol, k, lmao etc. are due to the fact that we want to send messages off quickly and in most cases don’t have the time or patience to write a grammatically correct statement. While I believe the level of creativity is limited, I don’t believe that the english language is suffering from the “texting language”, so to speak. Using myself as an example, I often times use many abbreviations and emoticons to describe what I’m feeling or trying to say, but that doesn’t mean in a university paper I will communicate the same way. Often times when you text someone they are a friend or family member, therefore the level of formality and diction required in an official document is not needed. As long as future generations are taught the english language correctly in schools, texting should not negatively effect their grammer.

  11. Bolaji Akinbobola

    “Is testing making us more creative? Canadian researchers think so”

    Texting today, some people call it a global form of English in communicating socially. Some school of thoughts argue that it is ruining the language and producing a society of illiterates. While other scholars believe it is a new form of communication. Studies made on texting have proven that it affects how people in today’s world write English language. Results from research shows that this present generation has created a very specific way in using English by texting. Presently every nation in the world has its own unique way of using English to type text messages, this practice has led to a lot of misconceptions going on regarding the way people use English when they text. Technology has played a very great role in the development of text messages in this present world system.

  12. Mohammed Binmadhi

    The research being done by the Canadian Universities show that text messaging or sms is a concern for our youth. I do not really agree with Mr Guilbault’s comment that texting is not degrading the language. Because on a personal level, I know a lot of young school kids who due to the extreme high use of short words, have forgotten to spell the original words. I have college friends who ask me the spelling of some words, which obviously are common, but since they use so much of shortcuts in their texting that the original words have eloped from their minds. Using the various forms of laughter, can be termed as a creativity, but in academic standards, words like “lol” or “c u” will never be accepted. Personally I disagree that the texting is making us creative, however we need to wait and look for the analysis report.

  13. Lauren R

    Two comments:
    First off I don’t believe that Texting is ruining the language and producing a generation of illiterates. Every generation alters the language a little bit and this is this generation’s contribution. They’re not ruining English, they’re just adding to it through their creative slang and jargon.
    In terms of producing a generation of illiterates, before Texting short communication happened by phone or in person. Either way, when having short conversations there was usually no reading and writing required. If someone was illiterate it was based on a lack of education or a lack of desire to read and write. Texting shouldn’t been seen as a method to encourage reading and writing. Texting is simply short conversations that people would have previously called someone (or gone and seen them) to have.
    The second point that I’d like to make is that yes Texting has made us more creative but our creativity is limited. Auto-correct stubbornly helps clean up Texting by encouraging proper spelling. Anyone who’s texted knows that new slang and jargon tends to be either highlighted as wrong, or automatically changed to something with similar spelling without the writer’s consent (it’s almost like mad libs). Therefore, yes texting has made us more creative but it still tries encourages proper English.

  14. CAP

    I think texting has made most of the younger generation illiterate. I can definitely see this in my younger sibling and her friends. It is shown in their work such as essays, etc. I have read through her work and alot of the mistakes she makes is because she is so used to spelling words using “text language.” Her spelling has gone down because she is so used to spelling words in short versions that she thinks that is the correct way to spell. Her friends have also texted me and spells words in ways that I don’t even know what they mean. It is kind of annoying actually. Yes there is auto correct when a person is texting but that doesn’t help a person know how to spell. They will probably still text the same way they have always been and just rely on the auto correct to spell it correctly. What if there was an essay they had to write on an exam? Auto text will not be able to help them spell correctly on their exam. They just need to be able to spell correctly on their own. I know that texting will not stop and, don’t get me wrong, I don’t want it to disappear, but it still doesn’t change the fact that it does make people more illiterate.

  15. JC

    Although I do not think texting is creating a generation of illiterates I do not believe texting has somehow given this generation a creative edge over the generations before it. I text frequently but never have I come up with some new creative way of spelling a word, instead I have just copied the way that other people text me. It is not a question of creativity; it is a matter of convenience. I also have to add that regardless of the effects that texting may have on our creativity the fact that we spend about eight hours a day watching television renders any kind of benefit we might get from this moot. This being said the other side of the spectrum that says the youth of today are undereducated morons is simply preposterous. If texting took the place of English classes in school and students were no longer required to learn proper English perhaps then we would see a generation of illiterates. As it is illiteracy rates are at an all-time low in developed countries. Language will continue to evolve as it has from its beginning, the effect texting will have on language we will not know for many years but the one thing we do know is that change is inevitable.

  16. Michael

    I think texting has led to a generation where change is happening faster than ever in our language. We have become constantly apart of technology and are always in touch with others as to what is going on around us. Even in business as more data is created and change is happening all the time it is essential to communicate a point both precisely and quickly in order to adapt to constantly changing info. People have to simplify or else their information will be disregard as irrelevant and not precise. Whether this is creating illiterateness or not is debatable but communication today does not compare to what it was even 10 years ago. The change is happening fast and is having a direct impact on our language whether this change is for the better or worse is a matter of opinion that does not have a specific answer. People are changing their language but this happened over history as well. Going back in time the English language changes greatly go back more than a few centuries and our modern day english is illegible compared to the english of the time. These changes in language are natural and communications may have just sped up the pace of change.

  17. Sarah Lawson

    I agree that texting has emerged a new way of communicating English, but I disagree that it makes us more creative. When texting first came about, it wasn’t as economical as it is today. People tended to become lazy and shorten words. (For example, prolly instead of probably.) If this is what experts deem to be creative, then I must be pretty darn creative myself! In my opinion, it is just laziness, and the texting laziness has taken over to become a universal language. The English language is constantly changing. I even believe that without texting, English would still become condensed in some way or another but the technology allows it to change faster.
    Becoming an illiterate is a choice. It is not forced upon us with technology, it is a way of life some people choose to live by. In our generation, the use of proper English is still a crucial asset to have in the business world and that creates drive for people to use correct English in every day conversations as well as the term papers we write at the end of semesters.

  18. Sarah Fletcher

    I think texting is changing how the younger generations communicate but I wouldn’t go as far to say that it’s ruining the english language. As always, with time language changes for better or for worse. Our language has gone through a lot of different generations and growth over the centuries. I think that it’s a different way of communicating and it is a newer medium of communication. It has its benefits and disadvantages like anything else. I think that in some ways, it helps people communicate better and they feel more comfortable saying things that they wouldn’t necessarily be able to say in person. However, this can be good and bad. I think it also discourages people from talking on the phone or talking in person which definitely changes our world. It’s also interesting because texting is so instant and constant that people are able to communicate more constantly. It’s become so easy to send a message to anyone at anytime saying anything. I’m not sure if this is for better or for worse yet but there’s no way to stop it now so it’ll be what it is! I’m sure it will work out for the best, it always seems to.

  19. cl

    There is no way that you can tell me that texting makes you smarter. I for one cant stand texting and the instant that I get a text of some sort of importance I will phone the person. Coming up with lol, or rofl, or any of those other smart ways to shorten down words might be creative for the first person, but for the rest of the people using them I don’t feel as though it is creative at all. Texting is defenatly having a massive impact on our generation and I for one am not sure of how good these university professors argue it to be. I find it very interesting that it is only within these last few years that this form of communication has come to be. And for the person who came up with texting now that is creative, coming up with the thought that people can send very short emails from pretty much anywere for almost free of charge for most people. I do not see texting as a bad thing because I feel that you cant always be talking, and there are for sure situations where texting is much more effective than a phone call, but I would for sure argue against it making me more creative.

  20. Garang

    according to my opinion on the article ” Is Texting most definitely ruining the language and producing a generation of illiterates?, I think texting is ruining the language and producing a generation of illiterate. I feel illiterate in reading some of the text messages send by my friends and advertising agencies. texting is creating too much non existing acronyms and too much shortening of existing words that do not make sense. For example, one of my friend send me this message not too long ago “TBH I am so busy”. I heard very rough time trying to determine what he meant. to my surprised! he meant to say “To Be Honest”…few days later, i kept encountering this acronym on social medias and is going viral. Texting is definitely making people illiterate through the use of unknown casual languages and slang.

  21. dns

    Is Texting most definitely ruining the language and producing a generation of illiterates? I would disagree because mobile phones are made to compress long messages into short readable texts so the receipient can understand it without having to read a paragraph. In a way it can help generations with spell check. When words are spelt wrong it highlights them notifying the person with the correct spelling. From there we can learn. Also if more people were aware of the shortened acronyms it would help out in serious situations if information was needed to be transferred in a timely manner and in short form. Most text messages I receive and send out use the proper spelling of full words and use common acronyms such as “lol” for laugh out loud, and “tmrw” for tomorrow are a couple examples. It saves the hassle of typing out the whole word and shortens the message. The point of a SMS message is for it to be short because some phones have a letter count capacity when sending messages.

  22. BK

    I like to think I am less smarter (see what i did there?) because of texting. Although I attribute my fairly decent typing skills (and possibly I have better grammar and spelling too) to the countless hours spent on things such as MSN chat and typing messages on Facebook, I think texting is very detrimental to everything about literacy. We even speak improperly because of habits formed from texting. When I started to realize that our generation is headed in the wrong direction was about the same time I started hearing people say things such as LOL and BRB. My reply has been, and always will be, WTH. It is a sad thing though that so many youth now-a-days have such easy access to forms of communication that promote this lack of proper literacy. Let’s hope that it does not negatively affect what’s to come in the future. I do not think that texting is the lone culprit in what is ruining our language and literacy rates though. As aforementioned, I think every means of impersonal communication (computers, iPads etc.) has the ability to wreck proper literacy.

  23. JX

    Texting is a major way of communication now. I have used it for a long time. I am not a native English speaker. I can read book or talk to person in daily life, but sometimes, I do not understand the texting message, because lots of words and phrases cannot be found in dictionary. I spent much time to understand what the “lol”, “C U” and so on. I think that texting bring more advantages than disadvantages. First, I admit Texting has given many downsides to people. I think this is texting culture, and it is a tendency of language developing. Every year we will have many new words, no matter what language you are speaking. If we read a two hundred years ago article, there must be a lot of words that are different with our language now. In this recent 20 years, with the increasing number of mobile phone, people already have created many new words. In addition, people can use comma, brackets and period to make a visual face expression. I think it is the most creative and interesting thing in texting! I do believe and agree texting making people more creative, and I do not think texting will ruining the language.

  24. mp

    I believe there is a big difference between writing and texting. Texting is purely meant to deliver quick short messages and the often use of abbreviations is meant to make reading them much easier and quicker. Also another point is that many cell phones have a limited number of characters per message so this also hinders how much one message can contain making it even more important to be able to communicate using a shortened form of communicating. As long as kids are being taught the proper way to write, punctuation and grammar texting should not interfere with with peoples ability to properly write. I think people see texting as very simple and is not seen at high intellectual level which is why this argument is posted rather i believe texting and learning this form of communicating with others may lead to a more universal language. I’d be curious to see how many people worldwide would be able to identify what “lol” means. This just furthers our ability to communicate with one another which could facilitate learning in other ways and in different areas altogether.

  25. Tyler

    While texting has really impacted the use of language in the world and has really changed vocabularies everywhere I Would not say that it has make people illiterate since language is a thing that is constantly evolving so what one could say is being illiterate is really just the evolution of language into a new form. If you consider languages in the past you would say that those speakers are illiterate in comparison to how we speak today but in their minds we would be the ones that are illiterate since what we’re saying would make no sense to them. While it’s true that many people view this new form of text speak as being illiterate I would make the argument that it’s simply the next evolution in language which is somewhat supported by the article in how the researchers are examining how texting is making people more creative and that the texting could vary from country to country and that texting could be different in the UK compared to in the United States. This really looks at how texting has been able to broaden our horizons and we could potentially apply this creativity to other areas in our lives. So really texting could be a great help to society.

  26. [email protected]

    I both agree, and disagree with the article pertaining to the supposed ruining of the English language. The invention of this ‘texting language’ was and invention brought about by necessity. Simply put; when someone has much to say in a text message, but the text box only allows x amount of characters, then the texter will compromise grammar for the fullest message possible. More is said with less due to space requirements, but as a side reaction it does, in a way, produce an efficient, universally(almost) understood text language. But lets not read too much into this. This is no renaissance in language nor is it the destruction of English. Shakespeare added hundreds if not thousands of words to the English language, after all. It is a growing, evolving entity in and of itself. The obtuse reaction by some professors and media lamenting the matter do not stand up to reasonable scrutiny. Rather than reading too much into the way society text’s, perhaps we should understand the functionality of a cellphone or smartphone, like having to use one thumb for the whole text on a screen limiting you to so many words. The rage over proper grammer says something about whomever in question, just as poor grammar reflects something about the writer, or texter, themselves. What matters is context. Is the person writing in strange, short handed ways because they are lacking in intellect? Or is it because they are in a hurry, with company, or perhaps uncomfortable writing long, perfectly spelled exchanges. After all, if we wanted to be verbose, we could always call one another, like in the ‘olden days’.

  27. aaron

    I have never been a great speller, and thank god for spell check every time I have an essay due. I use short term abbreviations in texting as much as the next person, however, I don’t think having so many acronyms about laughing out loud is creative at all. In my opinion, unless you’re a novelist or English major, texts lack any form of richness and are often misinterpreted. When I talk to someone, I don’t listen to what they say, I listen to what they mean. This is a challenge when conversing over text, and a challenge that will not be resolved through the development of more slang terms. The idea that texting is a universal English language is stupid. I don’t know about you. But I text differ people differently, and they understand what I mean. I don’t believe that texting language could be interpreted with accuracy from a range of different people. Therefor I don’t think that texting is helping the grammatical generality, but I do think that it allows localized people to develop their own variation of language. Like how there are many different types of German in Europe, and allows that language to be more flexible.

  28. Mike

    I think that texting is making us more creative and that our language is not in jeopardy by the rise in texting. Our generation prefers speed and efficiency so the use of abbreviations, acronyms and made up words to get our point across in the fastest amount of time is common practice. To say that it is producing illiterates is quite drastic. I speak the same and can write a formal paper if I need to, but for something so informal as texting why spend the time writing something ‘proper’ when I can say exactly what I want in less words. I believe that nothing stands still and that the world is constantly evolving in every aspect, language being a tool that must evolve with the users. I believe we could not do without learning the proper way as it is the basis for how we set up our acronyms. Texting language could not exist without the formal language we have learned since children so to claim that it detracts from it is foolish in my opinion. Perhaps it is advancing the language even further, reducing the amount of clutter and similar spellings or sounds in the English language. After all, English is one of the hardest to learn so maybe it is texters who are cleaning up this language and making it less complicated.

  29. Morgan

    I don’t think texting is hindering the English language so much as to produce a generation of illiterates. People who care about producing quality work will always care to produce quality work and no amount of texting will change that. All generations have always had a mix of both questionable and quality writing, with or without technology.

    I have a 140 character limit on my phone, which is incredibly frustrating at times because I like to spell out my words and use correct punctuation. I have a large group of friends that are incredibly diverse and the worst grammar I’ve seen is “k”. In my experience, the only people who use “c u l8er lol” (both via text and on facebook) are teenagers and middle aged parents trying to be cool. The parents already know enough to use proper grammar whilst speaking and writing letters, and the teenagers usually grow out of it when they realize it makes them look stupid.

    I will, however, concede that online culture has had a much greater impact on language than texting. The Internet is full of new sayings and slang that strives to be more “out there” than the last, but many of them are said in jest. I like to believe that the general public is smart enough not to use Internet slang in serious, “real life” conversations.

  30. Jarrett

    I think that texting has definitely changed the way that people communicate and that i think it is ruining the english language. I feel the main way that it is ruining the english language is that people are not writing in a proper way. They use abbreviations, they do not use punctuation and it is sometimes unclear what is actually meant in a text. More importantly, i think texting is making people less intelligent. I know that if my phone did not have autocorrect, i would not be able to text nearly as effective as i wouldve been able to 10 years ago. I also have noticed that i cannot spell nearly as well as i could in grade school and that i rely on autocorrect when texting, emailing and even when using the computer for papers. In addition, I have noticed that when writing papers, i sometimes use texting abbreviations, or simply do not include punctuation. As well, I do not capitalize needed words or ramble off in terrible format ways. I feel that i am not alone in these ways, and that it mainly effects my generation, but is popping up in others more frequently now. I can see it, though maybe i am simply bias.

  31. LW

    Texting is completely ruining the language for generations to come. As we proceed with the uses of SMS and email a noticeable trend in having smaller three letter words to get a point across is becoming more and more popular. The use of text messaging is creating a new language that is used and transferring over into our academic and work lives. As I have noticed throughout my school carrier of writing essays, business proposals, as well as just talking to individuals that my choice of words are influenced heavily due to the excess use of text messaging. I have and always do catch myself in the process of writing an essay using “u” to replace the actual word “you”. Thank god for spell checker because you would be surprised as the amount of mistakes that come up during the final editing of my essays. Due to this new change of language for new generations and youth it is becoming accepted in the everyday word noticing that some individuals are replacing a real personal laugh with the word “lol” filling and flooding the English language with useless nonsense that has no real meaning.

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    First of all I would like to say awesome blog! I had a quick question which I’d like
    to ask if you do not mind. I was interested to know how you
    center yourself and clear your mind before writing.
    I’ve had a difficult time clearing my thoughts in getting my ideas out.
    I truly do enjoy writing but it just seems like the first 10 to 15
    minutes tend to be wasted simply just trying to figure out how to begin. Any
    suggestions or hints? Cheers!

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